Saturday, 16 February 2019

The Village of Kintyre

The Village of Kintyre

Second Life has lost so many Great Builds over the years. But maybe some of them can be resurrected? Like this.

The Village of Kintyre was created by Cuge Causten, one of the all but forgotten Master of the Prim. It also features works by two other old masters, the playfully brilliant Blot Brickworks and texture artist Harry Prefect.

The village was voted the Best architectural design/build in a virtual world in contest organized by the Virginia Society for Technology in Education (VSTE) in 2013 (yes they did have such contests and awards back then). But shortly after the sim it was located in closed down. Cuge tried to rebuild it elsewhere but with limited space and high tier costs there were limits to what he could do and how long he could keep it. But then we heard about it and we had just expanded Greater Coniston into Buttermere so we happened to have room for it.

This is another build that we really only have because we love it, the houses aren't really for rent - unless somebody asks that is...

A picture says more than a thousand words. Here are 14 of them but they still don't say enough. So do yourself a favour: come over and see for yourself!

Some slightly older pictures, taken back in 2016. The village hasn't changed since then but some of the pictures are essentially duplicates of ones from the recent series above.

1 comment:

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